Thursday, January 26, 2006

This bothers me

Havent posted in a while. Its now Jan 2206. We are finally headed home to the West Coast.
Moving is a b#$%!
Yesterday, a guy was applying for food stamps. Strong winds broke a plate glass window and a piece of it hit him on the head. Shows up in the ER with a big laceration on the top of his head.
His friend wanted to know if we had an attorney posted in the ER!
The pt had a pretty large laceration and was in some discomfort but his friend launched into a long discourse about his own medical problems/surgeries etc! What the #@$%?
This 'friend' belongs to a special category of people-they accompany their sick family member to the ER and want the doctor to ooh and aah about their medical problems. I never know what to say. Sometimes I am forced to be rude and tell them that the patient is the focus of attention right now and if they want attention, get in line!
Cell phones in the patient rooms-I am doing a pelvic exam-picture this-lady is on the table-legs spread apart in stirrups, I am positioned to examine her and her phone rings. She actually makes a move to answer it! I had to warn her in a strong voice-'don't even think about it'. She listened to me thank god!
I think I am gonna buy me a cell phone jammer so family members can wait for 5 minutes to have that all important discussion about what happened at work today....


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