Thursday, November 08, 2007

Do everything

She was emaciated, starting to develop a bedsore, weighing no more than 90 pounds soaking wet. Age matches her weight within a couple of pounds. "Shes guppyin, doc!" said the nurse helpfully. Just a few gasps away from that celestial finish line that we are all inexorably hurtling towards. Yank! Pulled back just before she breasts the tape by a 7-0 ET tube and a cold steel blade Mac blade down her throat. A few quick breaths with the bag and we are lookin good. Another gomere saved, then 'uh doc, her heart rate is 50 and no pulse now'. Okay, fluids, central line a couple of chest compressions, she is good as new(!).
I am sitting with the concerned grandson. Well, he says, nobody else in the family wants her, so I took her in. She is very sick I said. Me: She may not make it. How aggressive to be with her care? Do everything doc. Me: Does she walk? No. Me:Does she eat? No. Me:What does she do. Lays in bed until somebody turns her.
Excellent. We will do everything to return her to that life of bliss.
Fifteen minutes later, the ICU doc is looking to talk to the family also-nowhere to be found. So, I guess we will do everything.....


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