Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Saachi

Sorry honey, I missed putting in this entry on your birthday.
You are three. We had a family get-together for your b'day. You were dressed like a princess and looked adorable. You are growing up to be such a spirited and good humored little girl. You still miss Dax sorely. Yesterday, you met a big german shepherd dog in the park and you reminded me yet again that Dax used to sit like this dog. You told me one day with big tears in your eyes-'papa, you took dax away, you dont do that'! Completely out of the blue too, by the way. It made me sad. You will understand when you grow up. Lately, your favorite thing to say is-I am gonna be a big doctor. You love to draw on the chalkboard, play with your blocks, ride the rocking horse that your Rick chacha bought you. You speak more english than punjabi despite my best efforts-I refuse to give up though! You love pink-mix (strawberry flavor in your milk). Your favorite food from the 'store' seems to be a chicken quesadilla. But you eat just about everything that we eat. You were completely toilet learned about a couple of monthts before your third birthday. We had been trying for a while and we gave up, then one day, you just walked to the toilet and just did it! You may not realize but that was a big moment for us (as it is for every parent I am sure). You are left handed for sure. You have started pre-kindergarten and your favorite teachers are Miss PA and Miss Sherry. You love frankenpooh and piglet.
We love you lots!
Papa and Mama.


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