Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Line, what line

Indian people have this habit. We dont believe in lines. But, I have to qualify this statement. We dont believe in lines when we are in India. When we are outside India, somehow, we get into lines and patiently await our turn. Now, here is the other qualifier. When we are outside India, and we are in an environment where everybody else is Indian, we suddenly forget the whole line thing again.
I was standing in line ( i know) in an Indian store. Indian lady walks in-wearing a nurses uniform. Cuts right to the front of the line (there is only one person ahead of me who is paying for his purchases) leans on the counter and starts asking for some bollywood movie. It was as if I did not even exist, the thought didn't even cross her mind that the person standing in front of the counter with a bag in hand could be ahead of her! I was just gonna wait, then I changed my mind-and in my 'loud' voice addressed the store owner-"Bhaji" mera kamm vee kardeo jee, kadon da kharan!" The lady, without apologizing or batting much of her heavily made up lids says "its ok, you can help him first!" As if he was gonna do me a favor.

Some things will never change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come there are no new blogs by U
We miss them!!!!!!!
your admirer

7:13 PM  

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